A look at the HOUSING ACTION DAY 2022 |
This year in the weekend of 26 – 27 of March we celebrated Housing Action Day for the third time European-wide with actions from different grassroots groups. Many groups in multiple countries around Europe mobilized for housing justice through demonstrations, marches and protests, city tours, online and offline discussions, movie projections, solidarity actions, campaigns, banner displays, public assemblies and gatherings, info stands and more! We are proud and grateful for all of the tremendous mobilization we got to see for # Housing Action Day 2022. Well done! This year the actions were yet again directed against multiple issues, such as evictions, rent control, social housing, public requisitions and the right to housing – a basic but vital right that all people should but do not have access to. Many of these actions were organized by the housing justice groups within the European Action Coalition, but many other groups also joined the initiative this year. We are happy that Housing Action Day is becoming a symbol and incentive of mobilization beyond our Coalition! (Cette année, le week-end du 26 au 27 mars, nous avons célébré la Journée d’action pour le logement pour la troisième fois à l’échelle européenne avec des actions de différents groupes de base. De nombreux groupes dans plusieurs pays d’Europe se sont mobilisés pour la justice en matière de logement par le biais de manifestations, de marches et de manifestations, de visites de villes, de discussions en ligne et hors ligne, de projections de films, d’actions de solidarité, de campagnes, d’affichages de bannières, d’assemblées et de rassemblements publics, de stands d’information et plus encore ! Nous sommes fiers et reconnaissants de toute la formidable mobilisation que nous avons pu voir pour la #Journée d’action logement 2022. Bravo ! Cette année encore, les actions ont été dirigées contre les expulsions et de multiples problèmes, et pour le contrôle des loyers, le logement social, les réquisitions publiques et le droit au logement – un droit fondamental mais vital auquel tout le monde devrait mais n’a pas accès. Beaucoup de ces actions ont été organisées par les groupes de justice du logement au sein de la Coalition européenne d’action, mais de nombreux autres groupes ont également rejoint l’initiative cette année. Nous sommes heureux que la Journée Action Logement devienne un symbole et un incitatif au-delà de la mobilisation de notre Coalition!) |
This is what Europe’s map looked like on Housing Action Day 2022!
A non-exhaustive list of HAD actions:
- Aachen, Germany
What: distribution of informative posters + advice for renters on how to organize
By whom: Recht Auf Stadt Aachen
When: 27.03
More info: https://rechtaufstadt-aachen.de/plakate-zum-had-2022-mietenwahnsinn-in-aachener-vierteln/
- Athens, Greece
What: gathering and symbolic action at Propylaia “Housing is a right” + gathering in solidarity to Neutral Zone Collective – KBC occupation in front of the Belgian embassy
By whom: Initiative Against Auctions
When: 24.03 & 26.03
More info:
- Augsburg, Germany
What: demo + several other actions
By whom: Alliance of Augsburg organizations – Augsburgfueralle
When: 25 – 27.03
More info: https://augsburgfueralle.noblogs.org/housing-action-day/had-2022/
- Berlin, Germany (see the full list here: https://www.mietenwahnsinn.info/aktuelles/events/)
What: info kiosk
By whom: Leerstand – Hab Ich Saath
More info: https://www.facebook.com/europeancoalition/posts/5031797273565959
What: Solidarity action with the kbc occupation in Brussels
Who: Zwangsräumung Verhindern / Stop Evictions Berlin
When: 29.03
More info: https://zwangsraeumungverhindern.nostate.net/
What: Go-in at the two public-housing companies that evict the most in Berlin: Howoge and Stadt un Land
Who: Zwangsräumung Verhindern / Stop Evictions Berlin
When: 31.03
More info: https://zwangsraeumungverhindern.nostate.net/
What: LET’S GO TO MIAMI – we will take our rent back!
Who: Mieter*innengewerkschaft Berlin
When: 27.03
More info: https://mg-berlin.org/en/home/
- Bochum, Germany
What: demonstration and rally in front of the biggest owner in europe – Vonovia
When: 23.03
More info: https://xn--mieteraktionrin-clb.de/aufruf-protest-gegen…/
- Bordeaux, France
- Bruxelles, Belgium
What: march
When: 27.03
More info: https://fb.me/e/19Ff9AKJm
- Bucharest, Romania
What: discussion about HAD, informative posts on HAD
By whom: Common Front for Housing Right (FCDL)
When: 01.04
More info: https://fb.me/e/1C7WmUZlt
- Cluj-Napoca, Romania
What: bus tour around the city
By whom: Social Housing Now! (Căși Sociale Acum!)
When: 28.03
More info: https://fb.me/e/1lisyndt2
- Cologne, Germany
What: demonstration
By whom: Solinetzkoeln and other groups
When: 26.03
More info: https://fb.me/e/1iZJHDPh4
- Dortmund, Germany
What: stand for information, assistance, raising awareness on the topic of housing
By whom: Nordstadt to go & Mieterverein Dortmund und Umgebung e.V. (Mitglied im DMB)
When: 26.03
More info: https://fb.me/e/6kfSsMyzf
- Dresden, Germany
What: rally
When: 26.03
- Frankfurt, Germany
What: march
By whom: Kollefrankfurt
When: 26 – 27.03
More info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CbpHvu0Mhmv/
- Grenoble, France
What: manifestation + general assembly against evictions
By whom: Droit Au Logement 38, Collectif des jeunes majeurs de Grenoble and others
When: 26.03 + 28.03
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/977129203190277
- Hamburg, Germany
What: rally, reveal of monument, speeches
By whom: Keine Profite mit Boden & Miete
When: 26.03
More info: https://twitter.com/KeineProfiteBuM/status/1501958514654199812?s=19
- Heidelberg, Germany
- Jena, Germany
What: stand
By whom: Recht auf Stadt Jena & SozialesWohnen
When: 26.03
More info: https://twitter.com/RaS_Jena/status/1507702431865520144
- Köln, Germany
- Lisbon, Portugal
What: shared ideas and proposals over the open microphone, to set in motion a collective Rebellion and Resistance Plan
By whom: Stop Despejos
When: 26.03
More info: https://fb.me/e/2eZ5wClYb
- London, United Kingdom
What: screening The PruittIgoe Myth – the story of lost homes that didn’t need to be!
By whom: WhyDemolish
When: 26.03
- Ludwigshafen, Germany
- Lyon, France
What: Protest in support of homeless children, schooled in Lyon schools.
By whom: Jamais Sanstoit
When: 26.03
More info: https://tinyurl.com/2p92ds45
- Madrid, Spain
What: Solidarity action with KBC in front of the Belgian embassy
By whom: PAH International
When: 27.10
More info: https://twitter.com/JorgeMa39466954/status/1508465560291618826
- Mannheim, Germany
- Marburg, Germany
What: manifestation
When: 27.03
More info: https://mietenwahnsinn-marburg.de/housing-action-day/
- Melun, France
- München, Germany
- Nantes, France
What: march
When: 26.03
More info: https://fb.me/e/1Lzpa8gQC
- Nicosia, Cyprus
What: solidarity action with the KBC occupation
By whom: Re Alexis, NEDA
When: 27.03
More info: https://www.facebook.com/europeancoalition/posts/5029184550493898
- Nîmes, France
- Nürnberg, Germany
- Offenbach, Gemany
- Orly, France
What: demonstration
By whom: DAL – Droit Au Logement
When: 26.03
More info: https://www.facebook.com/Orly.dit.non.aux.expulsions/posts/280439217558024
- Palma de Mallorca, Spain
- Paris, France
What: protest
By whom: 30 trade unions and associations
When: 26.03
- Porto, Portugal
What: assembly
By whom: Habitação Hoje
When: 26 – 27.03
More info: https://fb.me/e/2fXtkkYB0
- Regensburg, Germany
What: “Night of Solidarity” against homelessness
By whom: Recht auf Stadt – Regensburg
When: 26.03
More info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahr_kk9lINk
- Rotterdam, The Netherlands
What: made vacancy visible by tagging empty properties in their neighborhoods
By whom: Bond Precaire Woonvormen (BPW)
When: 26.03
More info: https://bondprecairewoonvormen.nl/…/housing-action…/…
- Rouen, France
What: rally
By whom: DAL Rouen
When: 26.03
More info: https://www.facebook.com/dalrouen76/
- Schwerin, Germany
- Sevilla, SPain
What: gathering for the XXXAsambleaEstatal, solidarity action with KBC
By whom: PAH Sevilla
When: 26.03
More info: https://twitter.com/i/status/1507765413471531016
- Stuttgart, Germany
What: demonstration
By whom: Recht auf Wohnen
When: 26.03
More info: https://recht-auf-wohnen.de/aktionen-demos/sa-26-03-kundgebung-wohnraum-statt-profite/
- Toulouse, France
What: demonstration and debate, concert
By whom: DAL Toulouse
When: 26.03
More info:
- Tübingen, Germany
What: rent policy city tour with the housing association
When: 26.03
More info: https://twitter.com/Neustart_Tue/status/1508012945556611072
- Winterthur, Switzerland
What: banners in public spaces addressing gentrification and the specific housing crisis
When: 26.03
More info: https://wohnraumverteidigen.noblogs.org/post/2022/03/27/communique-und-fotos-zum-housing-action-day-26-3-in-winterthur/
- Witten, Germany
Can’t wait to see what next year’s actions will bring .
Stay close!